Political Commentary & Cartoons

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I saw this cartoon in the Press Telegram, but it has IBD (Investors Business Daily), which is one of the best newspapers available for productive people on the cartoon.
How hard would it be to give speeches which point out the great accomplishments by Americans to benefit the world. The 5000 Year Leap points out that America has contributed more during its existance to the world than had been accompished in 5000 years.

America has helped to keep the world free including more Muslims than all of the Muslim countries combined. Clinton's US commitment in Bosnia was defending Muslims from Christians. We don't discriminate when it comes to people who need help. I resent the blood and treasure which our people have paid being discounted by someone who wants to play the Great Saviour. I can see that he could benefit our country by playing to his Muslimness, but not by looking weak to a culture that is intolerant of the weak. I hope that what seems obvious to me is not true - that the counties committed to the destruction of Israel will play our country to their benefit.

As a kid, I knew who Audey Murphy, the actual WWII hero who portrayed himself in To Hell and Back was and I was greatful for my country and the soldiers who served it. I wonder how many people know who Curtis Luttrel, the lone survivor of Operation Redwing, or the 19 men who lost their lives trying to rescue the four man seal team were. The four man team let a couple of Afghanis go instead of taking them out to insure their safety and 150 Taliban came afer the team. How many people know about the good deeds and help that our soldiers do for the people in the countries where they are. That is a part of our strategy which doesn't work for the Michael Moore, moveon.org and Code Pink portrayals of our country's fight against TERRORISTS. There are instead grandstanding congress people and moveon.org's, ad "General Betray Us" looking good to the mooreons while they tried to belittle the man who turned the defeat which they had claimed into a victory in Iraq.

“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds.” -- Samuel Adams

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Who are we and where do we want to take this country?

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