Political Commentary & Cartoons

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Thomas Sewell points out that the Canadian banks are in good shape because:

1. They are restricted on borrowing

2. They are not pushed to lend to unqualified borrower as the United States has mandated

Why would our country want to disregard the Canadian model for banking which works, but emulate the Canadian model for healthcare which has had Canadian doctors emigrating to the US for years? Does it take a genius to think that someone who goes through the challenge of becoming a doctor wants to be told how to run their business by the government and spend an inordinate amount of their time reporting to the government? Why do you think that some doctors do not accept medicare?

Our government disregards the fact that not as many people will want to work hard and dedicate a fair portion of their life to become a doctor under government health care, but the number of people on the system will increase. How that can give as good of a healthcare system as we now have is baffling. Are our legislators who come up with these ideas on hallucinigenics???

If the legislators truly cared about healthcare costs, we would see them looking at mal practice lawsuits by their bretheran which drives up the insurance costs for all doctors. Not doing anything to make this area more fair, adversely affects everyone, but allows the parasites (this does not refer to legitimate lawsuits by ethical attorneys) to increase the cost and availability for a large number of people.

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