There are two very different schools of thought on how Amererica is best structured and the responsibility of the citizens. The election of Obama with a congressional majority gives us a chance to measure the value of one school of thought. The fact that there are complaints about the lack of Republican support raises the question of how good do the Democrats feel about something which they can pass without Republican support. Why, if you are really good with what you are doing, would you not say, "This is the great thing which we did for you the people!" instead of trying to make it look like, "The Republicans thought that it was a good idea also."? Do politicians normally share the glory?
I see some reports that the protests are not real and that the protestors are "mean". I can look back at clips of the Democrats, proclaiming that dissent is patriotic and I do agree with them. Bush commented that Cindy Shean protesting him was evidence of America's greatness - kind of a presidential attitude which I appreciate. Progress will only be made if we develop a way to:
1. clearly define the facts
2. define the parameters which measure what we want to discuss
3. agree on a program to accomplish something
4. implement the program and monitor the parameters
We see this type of thing done in marketing the programs which are put into a bill, but no one appears to be using the procedure to create the programs and to read the bills created by ????. Just one example which seems beyond belief obvious to me, but an incredible number of people appear to not recognize it - hence my two definitions of the mentality of some American voters at . "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else." -- Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) We, if it weren't so incredibly serious, would laugh at the way that the governmment runs the MediCare/MediCaid, FannieMae/FreddieMac (where is the investigation into this disaster?), Social Security, the Post Office and on and on. Is our solution to the healthcare program better accomplished by creating a new, massive change or fixing some of the issues with our current healthcare program to create the ability to effectively handle the issues at a more doable level instead of one which could be catastrophic if it is implemented like the other government programs. Global warming was renamed climate change when the forums kept getting frozen out and it started to appear a little ludicrous to be worried about warming. The Health Care Reform become Insurance Reform when public opinion ceased to heavily support it. Does CAP have analysis for how things will work implementation and fiscally or do the do marketing? I have not taken the time yet to find out.
The country is better seved by having clarity and accountability and that is the goal of the group linked below. I have proposed that the salary, benefits including retirement and healthcare of congress people be indexed on the country's performance - this is very complex and I am not with all of the time and expertise which I need to run with it. Reward them for good performance and allow them to truly experience our pain for their bad performance. Allow them to keep complex IRS codes by having a tax rate on assets acquired after they take office which is inversely related to performance of the country. That way, we would have the retirees watching out for us as well as themselves. The one time that you can count on someone to look out for you is when they will benefit or suffer if you do. Let us also have a source for each part of a bill so that we can properly reward them for supporting what we believe or replace them for going against our interests.
Talk is cheap - share the performance results with the people whose life you affect congress people.
PLEASE JOIN OUR MOVEMENT!!!Join us and help to ensure liberty and prosperity for the future of America!
"We shall not grow wiser before we learn that much that we have done was very foolish." F. A. Hayek
***************THE HOUSE RULES*****************
Although we stand opposed to the agenda of Mr. Obama, we welcome honest and constructive debate with those who hold an opposing viewpoint. Everyone here is expected to discuss the issues in an intelligent, respectful manner and avoid mindless groupthink. You just might learn something.However, trolls are not tolerated. Your posts will be deleted on sight, and you will be banned without warning. If you see a troll, please do not feed it. Report it to one of the administrators, and they will take the necessary action.While this group supports free speech, we ask that people remain civil towards each other in debate. Membership and group participation here is a PRIVILEGE – not a right. We reserve the right to ban any member who violates any of the following: - Racism- Personal attacks on fellow members*- Spamming- Sexism- Harassment*- Abusive or gratuitous use of profanities* This includes creating discussion threads specifically to criticize or communicate with individual group members, and especially creating threads with member names in the title. We DO NOT do show trials on this board. If anyone has a legitimate grievance over the content of another's posts, please contact one of the administrators. DO NOT turn it into a personal crusade against that person or you WILL be banned. All other private concerns should be addressed in private communications between individual members. Thank you.IF A MEMBER IS BANNED AND THEY REJOIN UNDER A FAKE PROFILE, THE SUBSEQUENT PROFILE/S WILL BE BANNED AND IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO FACEBOOK ADMINS. If you feel you have been unfairly banned, send a message to one of the group administrators, and we’ll hear your plea. However, if you retaliate with fake profiles; your case will not be heard, and you will be reported.ALSO NOTE:* We CANNOT change the name of this group. It was created before the election, and current Facebook set up does not allow for revision. Any posts that criticize the name or the amount of members will be deleted. Too many threads with this kind of petty nonsense get in the way of topics worthy of legit debate.* To all those still contesting President Obama’s citizenship, we recommend that you do not join this group. We do not allow any new discussion threads on this specific topic. If a thread is started, the poster will be asked to copy/paste their post into an already existing thread.
My 11th grade history teacher in 1959 or 1960 told the class that you can never get anywhere by being against something. Let us define what we want more clearly and unite to make America the great country it can be by affirming the good which we do and committing to do more of it.
Let us cease to have the discussion that Bush brought the largest national debt to GDP since WWII as an answer to a complaint that Obama has created the largest national debt to GDP ratio since WWII. Take a breath, step back and ask yourself, "WHAT IN THE HELL AM I THINKING?" Several conservatives applauded the defeat of TARP I and condemned Bush for his fiscal irresponsibility. I have often stated that I feel that borrow and spend is worse than tax and spend and that the Democrats were at least honest when they raised taxes and awakened the people who paid taxes. I have now revised my thinking and, not to be outdone, the Democrats whow that Bush cannot hold a candle to them in the borrow and spend arena. They have backdoored some taxes, but I believe that they look at income tax increases as the desert for their feast. Has our country benefited from this waste of intercourse? Should we do more of what doesn't work and expect different results - Einstein's definition of insanity or should we heed Winston Churchill's admonition that, "They who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
I do have hope, but if there is not change in how we govern our country, we will end up hopeless. Let us go for what is good for the country so that each of us has an opportunity to enjoy a strong, safe, prosperous, healthy America.
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