1. Soros is an integral part of the Democratic party - George Soros supports and was one of the funders to create CAP, the Center for American Progress headed by John Podesta which is an analysis, strategy generator and implementer for the Democrats. It is described in the November 18, 2008 Bloomberg -- Three blocks from the White House, on the 10th floor of a sleek glass building, young workers pound at computers, with giant flat-screen TVs overhead. It has the look and feel of a high-tech startup.
2. Soros has made a lot of money from other people's problems - - George Soros' War on the Poor - April 21, 2009 - George Soros told The Australian that the world financial crisis was”stimulating” and “in a way, the culmination of my life’s work.” George Soros also told a Hungarian news agency he was “sincerely sorry” about his fund’s last-minute short sale of bank stock and added, “I no longer oversee the running of Soros Fund Management. I withdrew last year and now only direct deals on my own account.” Was that an, "Oops, I slipped?" reason for the problem it created?
3. Soros profits from decline of American Dollar - The April 4 Bloomberg article linked below points out that Soros bets on the decline of the American dollar. "The market disruptions prompted Soros last year to resume a more active role in managing the $17 billion Quantum Endowment Fund, which provides income for his philanthropic projects. He has bet on declines in the dollar and U.S. and European stocks, and expects increases in foreign currencies as well as Chinese and Indian equities. "
4. Soros puts $35 million of his money with $140 million Stimulus money (targeted, immediate job creation?) to give to school children - taxpayers making the Soros-Obama administration team look charitable with taxpayer debt. Notice whose name is prominent. The New York Daily News August 12, 2009 - "Back to school spree: Billionaire, feds give out $175M to aid neediest students around the state. Read more:"
5. Soros invests in a Brazilian oil company - August 15, 2009 Bloomberg -- "Billionaire investor George Soros bought an $811 million stake in Petroleo Brasileiro SA in the second quarter, making the Brazilian state-controlled oil company his investment fund's largest holding. "
6. Peak Oil News & Message Boards had a post (which was higher than the $2 billion loan which I saw elsewhere) on August 10, 2009 -- The U.S. government is prepared to provide up to $10 billion in loans to finance the development of massive hydrocarbon reserves off Brazil’s coast, a Brazilian official said Wednesday.
This raises two questions:
a. What is the source of the funds from the US?
b. Why would we back oil exploration which George Soros invested in rather than stimulate our economy by backing the proposal in August of 2008 to stimulate the economy and provide energy independence as reported in the September 2008 issue of Imprimus - "Alaska is already preparing for its next role—providing American consumers with a safe and secure domestic source of crude oil and natural gas. In fact, if energy imports were curtailed completely, Alaska could provide our nation with seven years of crude oil independence and an eight-year supply of natural gas. These are numbers that reflect known and recoverable oil and gas deposits." Do Alaskans not need jobs and America not need energy independence?
1. The Chicago CBS news for August 2009 - "The City of Chicago is basically closed for business on Aug. 17, a reduced-service day in which most city employees are off without pay. City Hall, public libraries, health clinics and most city offices will be closed. In addition to reduced service days, all non-union employees were asked to take a series of furlough days and unpaid holidays, and most non-sworn union employees agreed to similar unpaid time off. " Management has room for improvement just as California's management has negated the effects of the real estate and dot com booms.
2. Pittsburg Tribune-Review in an August 22, 2008 article reported, "U.S. Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign paid more than $800,000 to an offshoot of the liberal Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now for services the Democrat's campaign says it mistakenly misrepresented in federal reports. "
3. An ACORN associate group? funded for presidential campaign work. New York Times October 10, 2008 - "Even before Friday’s conference call, Republicans had made much of an $832,598 payment made in February by the Obama campaign to Citizens Services Inc., a consulting firm affiliated with Acorn.
“This organization is not just related to but deeply ingrained in the Acorn organization, a front group for Acorn,” Mr. Davis said." This was misrepresented according to the next link.
4. The September 16, 2009 edition of the Bulletin, Philidelphia's Family Newspaper ran an article on the campaign connection and the fact that the New York Times spiked the story of a whistleblower about the issue - "A lawyer involved with legal action against Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) told a House Judiciary subcommittee on March 19 The New York Times had killed a story in October that would have shown a close link between ACORN, Project Vote and the Obama campaign because it would have been a “a game changer.” "
5. Michelle Malkin, in an August 22, 2008 post, stated, "There’s much more to the story of Obama’s amended campaign finance reports than what Obama and the Obamedia will tell you. I will fill you in on what’s missing in a moment. What we have here, essentially, is Obama using a non-profit group called Citizens Services Inc. as a front to funnel payments to ACORN for campaign advance work. "
6. Big Government on 9/12/2009 posted an article titled, "Former leftist activist turned FBI informant pulls back the cover on ACORN" - "Though the majority of residents either hadn’t heard of ACORN or simply disagreed with their politics- ACORN insisted that they were THE Black leaders. This was upsetting to me. Sure, the local pastor we worked most closely with was Black; but that didn’t matter to ACORN. "
7. The New York Post September 16, 2009 ran an article on Pimp and Hooker catch Brooklyn staff with references to the other catches - "As in prior videos released by the filmmaking team of James O'Keefe, 25, and Hannah Giles, 20, employees of the group -- which specializes in housing and voter activism -- were eager to dispense advice on gaming the system and skirting the law."
8. Michelle Malkin's September 16, 2009 blog post on "What is missing from the New York Time's coverage of ACORN?
1. Kevin Johnson investigation by IG Harold Walpin fired by Obama for uncovering his friend's corruption??? The June 19, 2009 Wallstreet Journal reported - "President Obama swept to office on the promise of a new kind of politics, but then how do you explain last week's dismissal of federal Inspector General Gerald Walpin for the crime of trying to protect taxpayer dollars? This is a case that smells of political favoritism and Chicago rules." and "Obama supporter Kevin Johnson. St. HOPE had received an $850,000 AmeriCorps grant, "
2. Michelle Malkin's blog post on June 26, 2009 discussed the suppression of an EPA report which was counter the administratins intentions - "On March 12, Carlin’s director, Al McGartland, forbade him from having “any direct communication” with anyone outside his office about his study. “There should be no meetings, emails, written statements, phone calls, etc.” On March 16, Carlin urged his superiors to forward his work to EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation, which runs the agency’s climate change program. A day later, McGartland dismissed Carlin and showed his true, politicized "
An interesting point made on another person' blog is "The "Crisis Strategy" can be traced back to the first Communist state under the Russian Bolsheviks. Subsequent refinements developed by the Frankfurt School, Antonio Gramsci and Saul Alinsky and implemented by the American Left through the Democrat Party, have finally borne fruit with the election of Barack Obama, a radical thoroughly schooled in these methods. This strategy will destroy our country as we know it. Time is short. Time to see the truth. Time to get moving."
Capitalism is funding the destruction of capitalism in America. The funding of Brazil holding back nucleur and natural resources on shore.
and it becomes obvious to me that this is the mindless chatter created by the Alinsky strategy used so effectively to gain power and create the problems with our country leading up to the financial debacle. There was a claim that the Republicans did not vote for the first TARP because they were throwing a tantrum about Pelosi's unbelieveable pre vote speech on TARP. The Democrats did not need Republican votes to pass it. They had Bush and the power to pass it, but did not want to own the disaster that they knew it could be and yet the lemmings chanted it is just a tantrum. RACISM too is just mindless chatter because the liberals think that the American people are so stupid that they will overlook the potential devastation this type of program could create for America as well as some links below showing what is going on in the background while we get all Wee Weed up about health care.
“Life's's even tougher if you're stupid.” -- John Wayne
Testimony to the wisdom of the American voter. Take a politician out of a corrupt machine ruined area and give him more power and influence. This is the Peter Principle to the 10th power. We have seen the liberal philosophy in California and New York and the majority do not listen to those of us who yell out warnings. I was baffled for a long time at the intelligent people who are liberal and vote for more of what doesn't work. I present two definitions of the type of people who support this problem on my website and point out that I am open to be shown how I am one of them instead of the liberals. We now see a government that thinks running out of money in a give away Cash for Clunkers is a success instead of seeing it as evidence of their inability to analyze and accurately predict how a program will operate. They then want to do a major overhaul instead of fixing existing problems. Insane to think that this is safe during these incredibly dangerous times.
Conservatives see the Obama administration as driving an armored car with the nations wealth in it at a high rate of speed. There are those on the left who are running interference and yelling, "Give him a chance." and "Just listen to him." and those on the right who are called racist by many on the left as they yell, "You might want to check out that cliff ahead." because they see him as making good time down the wrong road.
The Stimulus Bill was passed quickly without review so that we would turn the economy around and not exceed 8% unemployment - Now in the high 9s. Looking at what it has created for employment raises the question, "What if we had not indebted the nation for that amount of money?" I don't see that much in targeted, quickly created jobs and we are doing amazingly well in spite of the lack of them. Where would unemployment be if our priorities had been on small business stimulation? Is it true that the NEA which does Obama Art got more money than small business? I don't know, but it would give us a great insite into this administrations perception of private enterprise, the engine which made America great a long time ago.
Timeline of some of the events which failed to prevent the FannieMae/FreddieMac debacle. Where is our investigation did not come up with the AWFUL administration (AWFUL = Alinsky Warriors Fooling Unknowing Lemmings) to be derogatory. It is meant to convey a very accurate description, if I am correct in my analysis, of the Democracy loving American people having lost a battle and the Whitehouse has been taken over by a group with a totally different philosophy of government. They have assaulted the engine which gave America an incredible advantage over the rest of the world - described in The 5000 Year Leap. I also came up with definitions on my blog to describe the two types of mentallity, mooreon and WIIer which support the enemy in the battle to keep our country. This does not look like just a Democrat thing to me.
Check out the Gross Operating Budget
I have a Letters to my grandchildren section on my website and this was one of the things during the campaigning which terrified me. What we see depends mainly upon what we look for and the people telling me, "Just listen to him." were intelligent and it baffled me how they could hear and not get the warning. I created the definitions of WIIer and mooreon to describe this baffling occurance at such a high rate. "PLEASE READ WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN AND LOOK AT THE CONDITION OF YOUR COUNTRY. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO LOOK BACK AND JUDGE THOSE WHO CREATED WHAT YOU INHERITED. PLAY TO THE STRENGTHS AND CHANGE WHAT DIDN'T WORK SO THAT YOU GIVE YOUR GRANDCHILDREN AN EVEN BETTER COUNTRY THAN YOU INHERITED. PROTECT THEM FROM HARM. THAT IS YOUR OBLIGATION WHICH I HOPE YOU MEET. I FEAR THAT WE WILL NOT MEET THAT OBLIGATION TO YOU. I TRULY HOPE THAT YOU WILL SEE ME AS A PARANOID OLD FOOL AND ENJOY THE GREAT COUNTRY WHICH MY GENERATION INHERITED WHICH ALLOWED US TO LIVE IN WHAT I PERCEIVED AS LALALAND. JUNE 30, 2009" My letters ramble because they were in rough draft with notes form and not finallized because I work and have other responsibilities which keep me from dedicating the amount of time that I want.
Changing the 911 meaning and significance is beyond belief obvious in mental programming of Americans. I do not understand why we don't have a more public push for the Walpin AmeriCorps corruption investigation put aside, the call for an investigation for ACORN corruption which now appears to be in motion.
I have a cause to tie Congressional pay, retirement healthcare and other benefits to parameters which indicate the health of the country. Politicians get paid incredibly well in spite of the damage which they do to our country. This is a SCREAMING EXAMPLE OF WHY THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT EFFICIENTLY RUN PROGRAMS. There is no incentive to do their job because there is no accountability. Is that as crazy and naive as it appears to me?
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