The following is something which I hope gives a perspective on my call to check out and discuss where we are and what we are doing. I think I give the wrong impression that it is about my beliefs, which generate my email and blog posts. It is not to convince, but to say here is what I perceive as reality and, if it appears to be inaccurate to someone, be challenged in my perception so that we both travel the road to a clearer understanding of what we are doing. I appreciate the input from several of you in this regard and as you might rightly conclude, this email and blog post is to a very good friend with a very different perception.
The following is an email which I sent to someone who I can count on. I almost never have him not make me think about my beliefs.
Finally slowing down a little bit before I get into 9/11 and getting back through my emails. I have been going 60 miles per hour.
One of my issues pointed out by a similar thinking person on DIGG was that I make too broad a category with my [Big Business/Big Union/Politicians/Soros] grabbing power giving the wrong impression. I can see that that discounts my thinking - broad, general statements are an indication of shallow analysis. It is obvious that not everyone in those categories is in that group. I, in my
have three sections -
1. Conservatives with expertise ranging from law, economics, politics and entertainment who happen to be black - qualifications for a conservative do not include skin color - question boldly those who would say that opposition to a program based on facts is racist. I am open to question and input, but as of this moment, I feel that they have to be racist to make that claim and I explain why.
2. Quotes which point out that we are not in new times. Humans have recycled different methods of government throughout history and the book, The 5000 Year Leap, makes the point that America is unique and puts forth the authors consclusions as to what caused it. We started out communally in Jamestown and that did not work, even on a small community scale.
3. Definitions and an illustration in simple terms of what conservatives fear. The "liberals are racist point", was not including thinking people like I perceive you to be. This is not to be construed as my thinking that you are pure, but I don't see you as someone who cannot see the racist comment as a propaganda strategy rather than what is real. If I am wrong, disregard the previous sentences of this paragraph. This is an instance of my broad, general categorizatons creating the opposite effect to my intentions. The reason for my blog post at I AM CONCERNED ABOUT HOW GULLIBLE SOME PEOPLE ARE - HOW DO WE SELL EACHOTHER ON PROGRAMS?
is that I had heard this and discounted the perception as being of little real consequence until a good friend of mine emphatically said that it was real and that the black people would be nowhere if it were not for the Democrats. I need to check what I have heard from Larry Elder against that because he puts forth a different perspective. I also received a very neat story which Snoped as untrue, but it conveyed a great message about an arrogant white person verses black with the stewardess on the plane providing a great lesson to the bigot. The timing seemed like it might be for an emotional set up prior to the speech before congress regarding healthcare. I have had one fight in my adult life and it was with white trash upset with me for evicting them for disturbing a very desireable black family. Even if I were not strongly opposed to prejudice, I would have done the same thing because it was good business to keep the quality tenant and not let the undesireable tenant drive them out, decreasing the quality of my clientele. It took three people to get me off of him after he cold cocked me because, as I told him, "You are going to die." I don't like to be punched and I despise racists - not opposed to the death penalty even I have to be the executioner. That is where the incredibly strong feelings and not so clear response to what screams at me as manipulation which perpetuates the problem of racism. The two black economists point out their opinion of the harm done by the liberal agenda to blacks and it appears to me that the Democrats use race for political advantage successfully and want to keep the concept alive rather than relegate it to the mistakes we made as our country was on the journey to the present. Be clear that the previous sentence does not say that it exists - only that it will continue to exist a higher level until we adjust our perspective.I am obviously inept at my goal of having everyone discuss what is critical to the life and death of the American way and I am very suspicious of anyone who must deceive in order to accomplish what they want whether it is for the good of our country or not. A benevolent dictator might be good for some countries, but it is precarious and our country was built with rough times along the way on individual initiative, freedom and reward. You have ranted, raved and called me stupid with me having to finish your sentences so that I could respond to the point which I had just made along with you. I think that same way way when I am by myself and challenge my views, because, if I am insecure in them, they are probably not valid.I need some futher discussion with Lee because I have evolved past the point of laughing at the World Order Chicken Littles and have rethought my perception about something like this happening. I have only an inkling that something like it, seems to be hapening but if that is the case, it is better to deal with it early, rather than after it is more well entrenched unless it is a good change. I actually have a blog entry WE ARE VERY FORTUNATE TO HAVE HAD OBAMA ELECTED IN THIS LAST ELECTION - WE ARE VERY FORTUNATE TO HAVE HAD OBAMA ELECTED IN THIS LAST ELECTION -
which points this out. There is a link to a discussion group with rules which look a little different than the image conveyed by manipulators who want us to keep fighting with eachother while they loot the bank. Does - [Although we stand opposed to the agenda of Mr. Obama, we welcome honest and constructive debate with those who hold an opposing viewpoint. Everyone here is expected to discuss the issues in an intelligent, respectful manner and avoid mindless groupthink. You just might learn something.However, trolls are not tolerated] sound like the mission statement of mindless, mob lemmings?I apologize for my inability to promote thinking, analysis and discussion in spite of the emotional level created by the marketers of either side. There is a Thom Hartmann debating Michael Medved on healthcare later today which might be a little more informative than listening to either side selling its position. Do we care about the good of our country and what we leave to future generations or do we want our team to win no matter what the cost?I appreciate your input along with that of a lot of other people with whom I interact and I am going to post this letter to, hopefully, tune up their perception of my purpose. As I say on my website in my rough draft of Letters to my Grandchildren, "PLEASE READ WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN AND LOOK AT THE CONDITION OF YOUR COUNTRY. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO LOOK BACK AND JUDGE THOSE WHO CREATED WHAT YOU INHERITED. PLAY TO THE STRENGTHS AND CHANGE WHAT DIDN'T WORK SO THAT YOU GIVE YOUR GRANDCHILDREN AN EVEN BETTER COUNTRY THAN YOU INHERITED. PROTECT THEM FROM HARM. THAT IS YOUR OBLIGATION WHICH I HOPE YOU MEET. I FEAR THAT WE WILL NOT MEET THAT OBLIGATION TO YOU. I TRULY HOPE THAT YOU WILL SEE ME AS A PARANOID OLD FOOL AND ENJOY THE GREAT COUNTRY WHICH MY GENERATION INHERITED WHICH ALLOWED US TO LIVE IN WHAT I PERCEIVED AS LALALAND. JUNE 30, 2009."
I need to get to work so that I can pay you. Ask yourself why a little guy like me who works hard and should spend more time on my business paperwork so that I can pay my account would spend so much time on something at which he makes no money.
I sincerely fear that the American people have had it way to easy too long and they have lost sight of what ihs at risk if they are not well informed. I am too dumb to know that I cannot make a difference and I very badly need a twelve step program which does not yet exist for my problem as far as I know.
Please also take a moment to check out a non-political blog entry and appreciate why all of us can have this discussion.
Great things to think about.
Let us all remember the reason that enemies from outside have been unable to change our way of life because our military leaves their family, endures unbearable conditions which would bring most Americans to their knees. Regardles of what each of us thinks about any of the engagements, know that they who would destroy have not because our military teaches them – You bring it on – We will take you down. They pay for the opportunity to teach that lesson with their blood as well as with the other sacrifices which they make and I know it
Time for the littleguy to go to work.
Very truly yours, Ross
A B Ross Howell
"Our vision is more obstructed by what we think we know than by our lack of knowledge." -- Kristen Stendahlblog email:
The above is in response to this and a couple of other emails which my friend had written.
On Aug 30, 2009, one of my friends wrote:
read about all the bad socialist, of course it used to be the rich guys who owned everything were bad. now they have convinced a lot of people they are good patriots
and we should support them.
Friday, September 11, 2009
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